Free Blog Hosting
|Are you bored? confuse to do something? why you don’t build a blog? Nowdays, many people have a blog. They can do a lot of things using a blog. Build a blog is like build you own personality, your own company, or maybe your own story. It’s all about your own.
It’s a very simple to sell your goods, promote your abilities, or maybe just having funs with blog. Just post at your blog what you want and let the people read it and give a feedback by commenting at your post.
It’s like you get a lot of energy when people read your story and leave a reply at your post. It’s just like a social life, but in a other way and another style, people can interact with us by read what we post.
Blog is like a home, like a shop, like a company, but in other cheap and simple way. We don’t need to buy an expensive land to build our company, we don’t need to spend a lot of money to promote our product in an TV advertising to introduce our product to people. By building a blog, we promote our product, ability, our story, our business to a worldwide. Because by using internet, we connect to a whole world.
There’s a lot place in the world provide a free hot spot for internet connection. So, what do you waiting for? build a blog right now, it’s easy and free.
Talking about free, I recommend you a Free Blog hosting. Just go there and build your blog for business or just having fun. Let you know that if you buy a self hosting, you have to manage your own blog. For example: manage your cpanel, theme, install wordpress and plugin, which is spend a lot of time, or maybe a server down which is make us stress and frustrating.
a Free Blog hosting is the answer. If you sign up there. You don’t need to do a lot of things above. Just click post and publish. It’s easy and simple, right? You also can share your photos, videos, or add a polls, surveys and easy to find a friends.
h0sting iku 0p0 ce nd0p? aku ra paham (bl0ger g0BLOG hahaha) maklum ket kenalan mbek bl0g,
apakah h0sting iku k0y0k bl0ger,w0rdprez,bl0gdrive,dagdigdug, ng0n0 ta?
0p0 yek 0p0?
@Pak Dhe Wicak: sip, akhire enek sing ngomentari…
@haqie: Hosting iku ibarate omahe blog, domain iku alamte blog… hosting itu tanahnya, domain itu alamat tanah kita… *koyoke sih ngono*
posting terakhirnya ndop adalah: Perjalanan Nganjuk Surabaya
Twngkyu ndop, kenek ngge upload gambar nih :D
posting terakhirnya anton adalah: Nunggu Pin Adsense
@anton: hehe.. iyo. aku gung njajal tapi.
wah wes nduwe pak..buat baru rasae wes pegel..repot e hahahaa
ngomong opo iki ndop?? wekekkekekkeke.. gak ngerti blas aku.. haiaiha…
posting terakhirnya kacrut adalah: influenza.. ditisyuin aja..!!
@ericova: hihi.. ndaftar tok yo gak popo..
@kacrut: podhoo..
alahh…mas-mas pusing ngartiinnya..asal british nech sampeyan..wkwkwkwk
posting terakhirnya pajolo adalah: SERUPA TAPI TAK SAMA
@pajolo: huwakaka… pada pura-pura ndak tahu kalau ini postingan…
wah-wah hosting gratissss
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@bocah: hohoho… silakan..
Mas kalo bwt saya blog bs dibilang sebagai my second diary !
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@wahyoe: juga…
emang kalau di ada apa kon menyarankan kesitu yah?
@Chemistry: namanya aja review dik…
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